How to Get Rid of Parasites

How to Get Rid of Parasites

Are you interested in learning how to get rid of parasites? Parasite cleansing and detoxing can be a very effective wellness tool, but most people have never considered it.

While we accept that our pets can have parasites, humans also can develop problem parasites. (Also, our furry friends can actually be a source of worms in humans!)

The truth is that most of us will have unfriendly parasites in our systems at one point in our lives. And you don’t have to travel to an exotic country to get parasites. Many folks pick up parasites close to home.

Do you want to get rid of parasites and detox them from your body? If so, here are easy natural strategies you can utilize to help yourself.

Types of Parasites

Types of parasites include roundworms, protozoa (one-cell parasites), flukes and tapeworms. Before you start to imagine huge worms crawling around your body, keep in mind it is estimated that 70 percent of all human parasites are microscopic. However, even though parasites cannot be seen with the naked eye, parasites can still cause a host of issues.

In fact, prominent sources such as Medscape and Healthline note that intestinal parasite infections are on the rise and can cause an array of troubling symptoms such as headache, abdominal pain, gas and bloating.

The good news is there are lots of things you can do to get rid of parasites and detox them from your body!

In fact, parasite cleansing just may be the health breakthrough you are looking for!

Our Founder, Chelsea, has witnessed and experienced great healing from parasite cleansing and detoxing throughout her lifetime.

Chelsea has had the rare experience of studying with prominent natural wellness experts since she was just a kid.

How Do You Know if You Have Parasites?

While the symptoms vary, common signs include nervousness, stomach bloating, fatigue, fuzzy thinking, itchy anus, sinus trouble, unhealthy cravings, and feeling hungry, tired and malnourished—even after eating a large meal.

You may also notice drab skin and hair…as if it’s not being nourished from within. We have noticed a stunning decrease in wrinkles and age spots and brighter, healthier hair and skin after a parasite cleanse and detox.

One of the most common symptoms we have found is digestive issues that center on constant stomach bloating that never seems to go away.

Through decades of experience, we have discovered that parasite cleansing can really help with stomach heaviness and stomach weight gain. In fact, parasite cleansing is the go-to tool that our founder, Chelsea, uses to combat stomach bloat.

The Parasite and Weight Gain Connection

If you are trying to lose weight, you’ll be interested to learn that there is a strong correlations between stubborn weight gain and parasites.

Keep in mind parasites affect gut health by causing chronic inflammation and digestive issues.

Also, most of the time a parasitic infection is not even considered when addressing belly weight and belly heaviness.

Thus, parasites may be something that you’ve never even considered as a contributor to your weight issues.

Imagine if parasites is your primary issue?!

Do you have problems with constipation, nausea, diarrhea and gas or feeling symptoms that are similar to irritable bowel syndrome without a diagnosis? This has been our experience with parasites…the symptoms feel a tad vague, but are dominated by nagging stomach and digestive issues.

It’s also really interesting that there is such an emphasis on pets and parasites in the United States, but rather limited attention to how parasites can affect humans.

However, European and Native American cultures often focus on powerful parasite cleansing to help people feel and look better.

In fact, you’ll find parasite cleansing specifically for weight loss at prominent and expensive European spas.

Do you want to know the EXACT sequence we use to combat parasites based on 20 + years of research and results? If so, check out the parasite cleanse here.

The fact that most Americans haven’t even heard of parasite cleansing remains a bit of a mystery?

The good new is that you can fight parasites with natural tools that have a long track record of success.

Three Ways to Start Fighting Parasites

When it comes to parasite cleansing, using a systematic and a complete approach has been what we have found to be most effective. However, here are three tools to give you a starting point if you are looking to get rid of parasites.

Garlic—Start fighting parasites by adding more garlic to your diet. Garlic contains Allicin and Ajoene—two components that work to kill parasites.

Wormwood –One of the most well-known herbs for parasites, Wormwood, contains the components thujone and isothujone, which help to dispel parasites from the body. Check out Hanna Kroeger’s Wormwood, which is one of the highest-rated Wormwood supplements.

Colon Cleanse—Diets heavy in processed and fast foods can clog up the body. And just like garbage attracts unwanted bugs when left outdoors for longer periods of times, so can waste that sits in a backed-up colon (You get the picture). Thus, a gentle colon cleanse can help dispel waste and parasites from the system.  Some of the most well-known products for colon cleansing include Sonne’s Detoxification Pack— a highly regarded line of products which has been around since 1946.

Of course, you will always want to check with your doctor before adding any new supplement.

These tools are a beginning point if you are interested in learning ways to fight parasites. However, through 20+ years of research and experience, we have found a gentle and consistent approach to cleansing and detoxing parasites to be the best route. In fact, parasite cleansing is one of the most vital and effective wellness tools we have found! Now, we are offering the exact blueprint we use to gently and effectively rid the body of parasites!

Go Deeper into Your Parasite Cleanse

Discover easy natural ways to use foods, drinks, frequency healing, aromatherapy and bodywork to fight parasites.

The 21 Day Parasite Cleanse Challenge provides a daily guide on how to fight parasites using natural, proven and inexpensive tools!

Get access to cleansing and detoxing secrets learned from a lifetime of studying with world famous natural wellness experts.

Discover the exact cleanse and detox blueprint used to fight stubborn weight, renew energy, obtain better clarity and focus, get glowing hair and skin… and more.

Click here to check out the 21 Day Parasite Cleanse Challenge.

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